fbpx Ecsite | The European Network of Science Centres and Museums
301 members
180 Science Centres/Museums,
22 Natural History Museums,
23 Research bodies,
32 Private companies,
9 Festivals,
8 Professional networks,
and 27 other organisations

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #42, March 2025

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Through Ecsite, members have the opportunity to participate in collaborative projects shaping the future of science engagement. Ecsite runs projects funded by the European Commission as well as initiatives in partnership with other organisations.



Useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites.

explore our resources

Practical guide or toolkit

In pursuing a sustainable future, a circular economy has emerged as a pivotal framework, particularly within water management. The CIRSEAU cluster, an alliance of EU- funded research projects, has been at the forefront of this movement. The projects designed a set of innovative tools, games, and applications to foster stakeholder involvement and promote sustainable water practices.

Education & learning, EU and governance
stakeholder engagement, open acess, water, circular economy
Opportunities conferences courses jobs

Check out the upcoming international conferences, webinars, calls for papers and courses in science engagement.

Have something to share? Email it to: nhamilton@ecsite.eu

calls, conferences, courses, international, grants, funding
Member reading resources

On behalf of our members, Ecsite subscribes to newletters and gathers resources that we believe would be beneficial to share.

Something to share? Email it to: nhamilton@ecsite.eu

Practical guide or toolkit

How can we inspire learners of all ages to critically engage with the future of food? How do we empower educators, including science centres & museums, to explore food systems, sustainability, and health with their audience? The CLEVERFOOD project has gathered high-quality tools in its FOOD 2030 Science Education Toolkit, providing an interactive and thought-provoking way to address these pressing questions.

A Toolkit for Engaging Food Science Education

Education & learning, Topics in science